Germany investors discussed the business climate in Central Asia

The Forum of the German Economy was held in the business capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty. The leadership of companies that do business in Central Asia has gathered here.

Sponsors and speakers were representatives of SIEMENS, STADA, BOHMER, BAYER. IGM's direct clients also participated, namely Henkel, BASF, Knauf, GoldProduct and others.

Mrs. Ambassador of Germany Monika Iwersen paid her attention. The event was also attended by representatives of the state bodies of Kazakhstan.

The focus of the discussion has developed around the consequences and possible scenarios for the development of the situation of hostilities in Ukraine.

Main topics:

  1. The urgent need for supplies bypassing Russia is a powerful driver for the development of a medium-sized transport corridor through the territory of Kazakhstan. At the same time, its current readiness to serve large regular deliveries is not highly rated.
  2. Traditionally, Central Asian operations have been managed from headquarters in Moscow. Now companies are actively transferring their teams to the countries of the region.
  3. The decision-making center for issuing certificates for supplies within the Customs Union countries remains in Moscow, which creates some difficulties and takes time.
  4. The difficulty is also caused by the disruption of the work of affiliated enterprises for the production of components in Russia, those that are now suspending their work. The issue of transferring capacities to the territory of the countries of Central Asia is being studied.

It should be noted that the role of Kazakhstan is becoming decisive. The country is able to effectively provide a transport corridor and become a haven for the organization of assembly plants for German companies.

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