IGM consulting company - consulting services and ready-made solutions

Consulting services

We propose ready-made solutions are based on a holistic approach. We view an enterprise as a system that requires precise solutions.

IGM consultants provide consulting services focused on the most critical areas for any business: development strategy, market research, investment feasibility studies, capital transactions, business processes, the use of digital technologies.


What we do

Strategic session
It takes place in the format of a meeting of key persons of the company in an informal setting. Allows you to develop a single focus for the application of efforts, goals and objectives for all departments and employees are determined. New business ideas are generated. The result of the work is a ready-made Enterprise Development Strategy with a Roadmap of measures for its implementation.

Development strategy
Covers the development strategy of the parent company, diversified business units and assets. The goal is to develop a balanced development program for a group of companies or a corporate strategy.

Go-to-market strategy
Assistance in organizing export-import transactions and launching new sales. Taking into account the risks and opportunities of a new potential market for the company, a long-term planning map is being developed. Includes several strategy concepts, with an assessment of potential benefits and losses. Provides the most informed plan of action.

Anti-crisis strategies
In conditions of limited resources and a rigid framework of a specific situation, it is necessary to make the most effective decisions. The Crisis Development Plan allows you to identify points of application of efforts, explore options and find new opportunities.


CASE: Choosing investment priorities

Construction industry

IGM provides comprehensive advice and support to business owners and top managers on strategy issues. Working out a development strategy together with the company's management helps to create that necessary “core” of business organization, which serves as a reliable support in making managerial decisions and assessing the correctness of the chosen course.

In a short time, a development strategy for the group of companies was developed and a new related production was launched 2.5 years earlier than the planned commissioning date.

This made it possible to save more than 700,000 USD only on investment costs, to promptly launch a new source of income, to determine a clear vector for the development of the enterprise and investment priorities.

Relevant measures were taken and the level of preparedness of top managers for unfriendly actions by competitors was increased.

The assistance of IGM allowed the owners to achieve an economic effect in the amount of more than USD 1.0 million ...

Feasibility study

What we do

Financial and economic model
Based on the information provided and available analogues, an interactive financial model or a financial and economic feasibility study of the project (FEO) is being developed. Includes calculation of investment costs, forecast of income and expenses, forecast of profit and loss, forecast of cash flows, forecast of balance sheet, calculation of working capital requirements, calculation of indicators of investment efficiency, profitability and risks.

Feasibility study development
Includes preparation of plans for marketing and sales, production and technology, organization and risk management of the project, financial plan and other sections. Development is carried out in close cooperation with designers and technology suppliers. Feasibility studies are carried out in accordance with the specific requirements of the host organization or investor.

Preparation of a business plan and presentation
A concise statement of the business idea is required for presentation to potential investors and partners, or to apply for funding and government support. Depending on the need, a Business Plan or a Presentation of a Printing Quality Project is developed.

Investment projects support
Comprehensive support includes the development of all necessary justifications, presentation and defense at negotiations, consultations on strengthening the competitive advantages of the project and obtaining state support in the form of tax preferences, subsidies and benefits.


CASE: Capital for expanding production

Mechanical engineering

IGM helps prepare a feasibility study for investment projects for presentation to investors, lenders and potential partners. We not only prepare compelling presentations, but also provide comprehensive support as a team.

IGM consultants assisted the plant's project team in systematizing the available information and documents characterizing the specifics of production and interaction schemes with customers in the oil and gas sector. It was found that while customers such as Chevron are favored by the world's leading players in the oilfield services industry, the latter are considering placing production orders at local facilities that meet their stringent requirements and industry standards.

Based on the facts, a preliminary map of the marketing risks of the investment project was developed with a breakdown of the degree of influence and an indication of the possibility of reducing them. Investment feasibility study prepared.

The management of the plant, with the participation of IGM, has achieved outstanding results in protecting the investment project. Demonstrated a high level of risk management and built a convincing strategy to minimize them.

Based on the results of an internal examination, the Development Bank of Kazakhstan made a positive decision and financed the project in the amount of more than USD 32.0 million for a period of 14 years ...

Marketing research

What we do

Marketing research
The Research Plan helps to obtain the desired and sufficient marketing information for making decisions. Covers all stages - from the used sources of information, to methods of converting the final analytics and making forecasts. This is a ready-made technical task for conducting a study, taking into account the specifics of the industry and the quality of the data. Typical tasks solved within the framework of marketing research are to assess the potential of the sales market, the capacity and structure of the market, the position of the company in the market, to identify opportunities to increase sales and increase profits.

Competitive intelligence
It is useful for analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, for building long-term development plans. Only legal methods of collecting data for business intelligence are used, but information processing methods solve the problem of getting answers to many of the questions in the Competitor Research report. Benchmarketing research is an opportunity to learn the experience of close and international competitors, to borrow the best achievements in organizing processes, technologies and approaches to business development strategies. Benchmarking data allows you to obtain a Technology Transfer Plan.

Market development analysis and forecast
The basis for building long-term business plans is the assessment and forecast of market development. The quality of the forecast is ensured by taking into account many factors that have a direct and indirect impact on the dynamics of the market. Multivariate market analysis ensures the highest accuracy of forecast data.

Audit and marketing strategy
The results of any market research and forecasts must be supported by a viable sales growth plan. An audit of the existing system of marketing and sales organization reveals internal reserves of growth. Taken together, market analysis and audit results form the basis for building a Sales Plan containing all the elements for practical implementation - market positioning, assortment, pricing policy, discount programs and promotions, sales channels, advertising and promotion, logistics and stocks.


CASE: Reasonable collateral price

Real estate

IGM carries out a range of works in the field of marketing and sales development. He has significant experience in marketing research requiring deep analytics. We use special and proven technologies in the past to achieve the most objective assessment of the situation, which helps investors and managers make the right decisions.

During the period of intensive growth of the "bubble" in the real estate market, the Bank faced the problem of objectively assessing the value of collateral in order to manage its risks in a balanced manner when issuing loans for construction and mortgages. The way out was seen in conducting a study to assess the reasonable market value of residential and commercial real estate.

The conclusions of the IGM study formed the basis of the Bank's development strategy, in particular, on the assessment of collateral and the prospects for lending to projects in the field of mortgage and construction.

At the time of the onset of the global real estate crisis in 2008, the research results were confirmed in practice, and the Bank avoided direct losses in the amount of more than USD 100 million and retained its reputation largely due to the timely adjusted risk management policy ...

M&A and financing

What we do

Business and asset valuation
It is important for the Seller to substantiate the most profitable financial forecast, only then a high valuation of the business and assets is achieved. For the Buyer, it is necessary to obtain the most realistic estimate in order to take into account potential risks and reduce the cost of the business.

Assessment of investment risks of the project
The decision on the feasibility of investing in a project is made based on an analysis of a wide range of risks: sales, marketing, raw materials, production, financial, organizational and others. A risk statement helps an investor or lender to make an informed decision and create an effective risk management system.

Business purchase and sale
The success of the sale or purchase of an existing business is determined not only by the quality of the prepared assessment, but also by the negotiation strategy itself, knowledge of the options for closing the deal and understanding of the risks. Maintenance is performed until the desired result is obtained.

Attraction of investments
Includes consultations on attracting investments, preparation of an Investment proposal or a teaser of a project, organization of negotiations with potential investors and creditors. Agency work is carried out until the opening of financing for the project.


CASE: New level of metal processing


IGM has established relationships with private investors, funds and banks. We carry out a real assessment of the value of a business and assets. A developed network of international contacts and a deep knowledge of the local market allow us to offer the best solutions for transactions with an existing business or for financing investment projects.

The first stage was the preparation of a feasibility study for the investment project. A business plan was developed that provides for two stages of the enterprise's development: directly remelting scrap metal into ingots and obtaining rolled products (rebar, wire, angle) from ingots. The development was attended by the chief engineer of the future plant, potential equipment suppliers, financiers and IGM marketers.

At the second stage, IGM consultants helped to organize bank financing of the project secured by the base where the scrap metal was collected, as well as to obtain tax breaks and preferences for the project as a priority for the development of the country's industry.

The owner of the plant, with the assistance of IGM, was able in the third year of the investment project, the first stage of development, to receive more than 12 million USD from the sale of the enterprise.

In addition, he avoided technological and other risks at the subsequent stages of the plant's development ...

Operational Efficiency

What we do

Organizational audit
The Organizational Development Plan helps to identify internal reserves for increasing the effectiveness of an organization and to outline ways to mobilize them. Find potential growth points and weak areas, develop mechanisms for the development of the organization.

Reengineering or optimization of business processes
Designed for disruptive companies and market leaders who are ready to rethink the historical system of organizing a business for better results. The business model and the system of business processes are analyzed, a roadmap for reengineering is being developed, with an assessment of the expected results, and comprehensive support for the implementation of plans is carried out.

Personnel assessment and motivation
To give new impetus to employees and strengthen the team, perhaps using the Motivation Program. Its basis is an independent assessment of the potential of each employee and the development of measures to unlock these opportunities for the common business of the company.

Optimization of control systems
Improving the efficiency of the existing management system by developing a Management Improvement Program, as well as providing personal consultations on management and organizational development for top managers, owners and shareholders of the company.


CASE: New breath of agribusiness

Agro-industrial sector

IGM is guided by the rule - to preserve and increase the successful developments in the organization of business processes of the enterprise, plus implement the best solutions from international practice. We help increase the return on existing company resources, improve team efficiency and take operational management to the next level.

In just two years, it was possible to establish a management system and give impetus to the development of the agricultural complex.

The income growth was ensured by 217.8%. 70% of previously idle equipment was restored, which made it possible to carry out agricultural work on time and in due volume according to the prepared agricultural map. Energy losses at the storage have been reduced by 1.5 times and an additional square of the warehouse has been obtained. We diversified the business through the separation of separate business units: orchards, vineyards, corn, storage with refrigerated chambers, MTS, apiary, small animal husbandry and processing of fruit and vegetable products, trade and commercial direction. The financial burden on the investor has been significantly reduced by leasing new machinery and equipment. A risk map has been developed.

IGM helped to obtain a significant economic effect, to strengthen the farm and the team of the agricultural complex, to form an understanding of the strategic prospects for the owner ...

Digital transformation

What we do

Information audit
Analysis of the level of automation and digitalization of business in order to develop a Conclusion on the possibilities of using information technologies to increase business profitability.

Automation of control systems
Selection of automation options for CRM, ERP, PM corresponding to the real needs and development plans of the company. The developed Automation Program is used as a tool for holding tenders among suppliers of technical solutions and ensures that the readiness of the team and the software requirements are met. Bringing a standard product to the requirements and needs of the company, consulting and training support for employees.

Business digitalization
Study of information sources, information flows and its value to improve business efficiency. Development of the Digitalization Program as a tool for selecting suppliers of technical solutions, modernizing the existing information system and mutual integration of business processes. Take your data to the next level for business growth.

Mobile and online solutions
Assessment of opportunities to improve business efficiency through the use of new technologies of access to the consumer, as well as development of a Plan for the implementation of mobile and online solutions in the existing business.


CASE: Quality analytics for management

Trade and retail

IGM assist companies in choosing solutions for business automation and digitalization. We help to consciously approach the implementation of innovative information technologies, taking into account the real needs of the business and its specifics, achieving sustainable results.

The use of the Agile approach in project management made it possible to start implementation without detailing the technical specifications, which gave quick results based on the current wishes of the management already at the stages of ready-made prototypes. In each sprint, accounting modules were refined and visual report panels were developed to monitor the business situation, taking into account various access rights.

As a result, IGM consultants have significantly increased the efficiency of obtaining data for management decisions from one day to a minute. The savings in annual labor costs for preparing reports and rechecking information were reduced by 2,400 man-hours (300 working days). The company received an efficient and automated tool for measuring and evaluating business performance ...

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