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Maxim Gandrabura, Managing Partner of IGM, spoke at an orientation meeting for participants in the Tech Garden start-up competition with a report "How to build a business in Kazakhstan".

The Autonomous Cluster Fund "Park of Innovative Technologies", operating under the Tech ...

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The shareholders of the machine-building plant planned a project to expand the production of oilfield equipment and applied for concessional long-term financing to the Development Bank of Kazakhstan. To justify the investment project, it was required to fulfill the conditions ...

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The owners of a trading company specializing in furniture and interior items are faced with a situation when their management accounting system works only at the transaction level, and no one can promptly provide analytics on sales performance and achievement of targets. ...

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A large manufacturer of reinforced concrete structures and products faced the problem of choosing a development strategy.

In the context of a reduction in funding for major customers and the completion of large government programs for the development of the construction ...

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The owner of the agricultural complex, which unites apple orchards, vineyards, irrigated lands, an agricultural equipment base and a storage facility with refrigerators, turned to IGM with a request to ensure the self-sufficiency of the enterprise and reach the expected ...

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During the period of intensive growth of the "bubble" in the real estate market, the Bank faced the problem of objectively assessing the value of collateral in order to manage its risks in a balanced manner when issuing loans for construction and mortgages. The ...

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The owner of the scrap metal business planned to establish a new steel plant to obtain a higher margin from finished products in the form of finished ingots than from compressed scrap metal. It was possible to assess with confidence the supply of raw materials for future ...

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